syndrome nefrotik

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Dijelaskan tentang ginjal yang berukuran panjang 11-12 cm, lebar 5-7 cm, tebal 2,3-3 cm, kira-kira sebesar kepalan tangan. Kidney explained about the size of 11-12 cm long, 5-7 cm wide, 2,3-3 cm thick, approximately the mitt. Ginjal terbentuk oleh unit yang disebut nephron yang berjumlah 1-1,2 juta buah pada tiap ginjal. Kidney formed by a unit called nephron, which bears fruit 1-1,2 million in each kidney. Unit nephron dimulai dari pembuluh darah halus / kapiler, bersifat sebagai saringan disebut Glomerulus, darah melewati glomerulus/ kapiler tersebut dan disaring sehingga terbentuk filtrat (urin yang masih encer) yang berjumlah kira-kira 170 liter per hari, kemudian dialirkan melalui pipa/saluran yang disebut Tubulus. Nephron units starting from the fine blood vessels / capillary, as a filter called Glomerulus, blood passes glomerulus / capillary and filtered so formed filtrate (urine, which is still thin) totaling approximately 170 liters per day, and then flowed through the pipes / channels Tubulus called. Urin ini dialirkan keluar ke saluran Ureter, kandung kencing, kemudian ke luar melalui Uretra. This urine flowed out into the channel Ureter, bladder, and then to the outside through Uretra.
Fungsi ginjal. Ginjal adalah organ yang mempunyai pembuluh darah yang sangat banyak (sangat vaskuler) tugasnya memang pada dasarnya adalah ”menyaring/membersihkan” darah. Kidney function. Kidney is the organ that has the blood vessel that is very much (very vaskuler) duty is basically a "filter / clean" blood. Aliran darah ke ginjal adalah 1,2 liter/menit atau 1.700 liter/hari, darah tersebut disaring menjadi cairan filtrat sebanyak 120 ml/menit (170 liter/hari) ke Tubulus. Blood flow to the kidney is 1.2 liters / minute or 1,700 liters / day, blood is filtered into the liquid filtrate of 120 ml / minute (170 liters / day) to Tubulus. Cairan filtrat ini diproses dalam Tubulus sehingga akhirnya keluar dari ke-2 ginjal menjadi urin sebanyak 1-2 liter/hari. Filtrate fluid is processed in Tubulus so to finally exit from the kidney-2 into urine as much as 1-2 liters / day.
Sebagai resume, fungsi ginjal adalah sbb: As a resume, kidney function is as follows:
1.Bertugas sebagai sistem filter/saringan, membuang ”sampah”. 1.Bertugas system as a filter / strainer, remove the "waste".
2. 2. Menjaga keseimbangan cairan tubuh. Maintaining the balance of body fluids.
3. 3. Produksi hormon yang mengontrol tekanan darah. The production of hormones that control blood pressure.
4. 4. Produksi Hormon Erythropoietin yang membantu pembuatan sel darah merah. Erythropoietin production hormone that helps the creation of red blood cells. 5.Mengaktifkan vitamin D untuk memelihara kesehatan tulang. 5.Mengaktifkan vitamin D to maintain bone health.
Penyebab Penyakit Ginjal Causes Kidney Disease
1. 1. Penyakit Umum/Sistemik: Kencing Manis = Diabetes Mellitus, Hipertensi, Cholesterol tinggi – Dyslipidemia, SLE: Penyakit Lupus, Penyakit Kekebalan Tubuh lain, Asam urat tinggi – Hyperuricemia – Gout, Infeksi di badan: Paru (TBC), Sifilis, Malaria, Hepatitis, Preeklampsia, Obat-obatan, Amiloidosis, Kehilangan carian banyak yang mendadak: muntaber, perdarahan, luka bakar. General disease / systemic: Kencingmanis = Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, high cholesterol - Dyslipidemia, SLE: Lupus disease, other immune diseases, high-fiber acid - Hyperuricemia - Gout, infection in the body: Plazemarks (TB), Syphilis, Malaria, Hepatitis , Preeklampsia, medicines, Amiloidosis, Lost in search of more sudden: muntaber, bleeding, burns. Hal-hal tersebut di atas dapat berakibat gangguan/penyakit pada ginjal. This can result in the disruption of the diseases in the kidney.
2. 2. Penyakit lokal pada ginjal: Penyakit pada Saringan (Glomerulus) – Glomerulonephritis, Infeksi: kuman – Pyelonephrits, Ureteritis, Batu: Bakat/ turunan, kelainan proses di ginjal – Nephrolithiasis, Kista: di ginjal – Polcystic Kidney, Trauma: benturan, terpukul, Keganasan – Kanker – Malignancy, Sumbatan: batu, tumor, penyempitan/striktur. Kidney disease in the local: Diseases in Filter (Glomerulus) - Glomerulonephritis, Infection: germs - Pyelonephrits, Ureteritis, Stone: Talent / derivative, the difference in the kidney - Nephrolithiasis, cyst in a kidney - Polcystic kidney, Trauma: impact, beaten, Violence - Cancer - Malignancy, Sumbatan: stones, tumors, stricture / striktur.
Kumpulan Gejala. Symptoms of the Group. Terdapat bermacam-macam penyakit ginjal, sehingga pasien datang ke dokter juga dengan macam-macam gejala. There are various kidney disease, so patients also come to the doctor with various symptoms. Berikut ini kemungkinan datangnya seorang pasien dengan kumpulan gejala /sindrom penyakit ginjal sebagai berikut: Here is the possibility of the arrival of a group of patients with symptoms / syndromes kidney disease as follows:
1. 1. Gagal Ginjal Akut: gangguan ginjal mendadak, fungsi ginjal ”anjlok”, tidak keluar urin. Kidney Failure Akut: a sudden interruption kidney, kidney function "anjlok", not out of urine. 2.Nefritis akut: penyakit mendadak pada saringan ginjal (glomerulus), muka, tungkai bengkak, ditemukan protein & darah di urin. 2.Nefritis acute: a sudden illness in the kidney filter (glomerulus), face, leg swelling, and blood protein found in the urine.
3.Gagal Ginjal Kronik: gangguan kronis/ menahun pada ginjal sehingga fungsi ginjal turun. 3.Gagal Kidney chronicles: interference chronic / chronic kidney so that the kidney function decreased. Keluhan & gejala al: lemas, nafsu makan, mual, pucat, kencing sedikit, sesak napas. Complaints & al symptoms: weakness, appetite, nausea, pale, a little urine, breathlessness.
4. 4. Sindrom Nefrotik: gangguan pada saringan ginjal, terjadi kebocoran hebat protein dari darah melalui glomerulus/ saringan ke urin, terdapat bengkak muka – kaki – perut, cholesterol naik. Nefrotik syndrome: interference filter in the kidney, there was great leakage of protein from the blood through the glomerulus / filter to the urine, there are swollen face - foot - the stomach, cholesterol levels. 5. 5. Infeksi Saluran Kemih: infeksi di ginjal – saluran kemih lainnya, bisa akut bisa kronis. Channel urine infection: infection in the kidney - the other channel urine, can be acute chronic. Sakit pinggang, demam, kencing sakit, bisa hanya pegal pinggang. Lumbago, fever, pain urinating, can only stiff shoulders.
6. 6. Gangguan pada Tubulus ginjal. Tubulus interference in the kidney.
7. 7. Hipertensi: umumnya tanpa gejala. Hypertension: usually without symptoms.
8. 8. Batu ginjal/Saluran Kemih: nyeri hebat kolik, darah di urin. Kidney stones / Channel urine: kolik great pain, blood in the urine.
9. 9. Obstruksi Saluran Kemih: saluran kemih terbendung oleh tumor, striktur / penyempitan. Obstruksi urine Channels: channel urine by the tumor, striktur / stricture. 10.Gangguan ginjal: tetapi bisa tanpa gejala (asymptomatik). 10.Gangguan kidney: but without symptoms (asymptomatik).
Jadi bila mencurigai ada gangguan/penyakit ginjal, disarankan lakukan pemeriksaan yang paling sederhana yaitu memeriksakan Urin Lengkap di laboratorium sebagai data/fakta awal untuk proses selanjutnya menemukan adanya penyakit ginjal. So if there is interference suspect / kidney disease, are advised to do the most simple examination is complete urine examined in the laboratory as the data / facts beginning to find the next process of kidney disease.
Gejala penyakit ginjal dapat digolongkan pada dua golongan: Akut dan Kronis: Symptoms of kidney disease can be classified in two categories: Akut and chronic:
I. I. Akut: Bengkak mata, kaki, nyeri pinggang hebat (kolik), kencing sakit, demam, kencing sedikit, kencing merah /darah, sering kencing. Acute: Bengkak eyes, legs, waist intense pain (kolik), urine pain, fever, urinating a little, red urine / blood, urine frequently. Kelainan Urin: Protein, Darah / Eritrosit, Sel Darah Putih / Lekosit, Bakteri. Aberration urine: Protein, Blood / Eritrosit, white blood cell / Lekosit, bacteria.
II. II. Kronis: Lemas, tidak ada tenaga, nafsu makan, mual, muntah, bengkak, kencing berkurang, gatal, sesak napas, pucat/anemi. Chronic: weak, no energy, appetite, nausea, vomiting, swelling, decreased urination, itching, difficulty breathing, pale / anemi. Kelainan urin: Protein, Eritrosit, Lekosit. Aberration urine: Protein, Eritrosit, Lekosit. Kelainan hasil pemeriksaan Lab. Lab results of aberration. lain: Creatinine darah naik, Hb turun, Urin: protein selalu positif. Other: Creatinine blood increased, decreased Hb, urine: protein, always positive.
Penanganan pasien dengan penyakit ginjal biasanya dilakukan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: Handling of patients with kidney disease are usually done following steps:
1. 1. Periksa-Diagnosa: Pengenalan dini Gagal Ginjal (GG). Check-Diagnosis: Introduction to Early Kidney Failure (GG).
2. 2. Kontrol: Monitoring progresivitas GG. Control: Monitoring progresivitas GG.
3. 3. Penyebab: Deteksi dan lakukan koreksi terhadap penyebab GG yang reversible, yang masih bisa disembuhkan. CAUSE: do detection and correction of a reversible cause of GG, which can still be cured.
4. 4. Perlambat: Melakukan intervensi pengobatan/tindakan untuk memperlambat progresivitas GG. Perlambat: Conducting intervention treatment / action to slow progresivitas GG.
5. 5. Ginjal Sensitif: Hindari kerusakan tambahan pada ginjal: obat/jamu yang toksik terhadap ginjal, obati infeksi yang ada, atasi kekurangan cairan misalnya pada muntaber. Kidney insensitive: Avoid additional damage to the kidney: drugs / medicine are toxic to the kidney, medical infections, which are, on the lack of liquids such as the muntaber.
6. 6. Obati Komplikasi: Berikan terapi terhadap komplikasi GG. Medical symptoms: Provide therapy to complications GG.
7. 7. Terapi Pengganti: Rencanakan Terapi Pengganti Ginjal. Replacement therapy: Special Plan Kidney replacement.

Pencegahan penyakit ginjal The prevention of kidney disease
Prinsip-prinsip pencegahan penyakit ginjal adalah sebagai berikut: Principles for the prevention of kidney disease are as follows:
I . I. Pada orang dengan Ginjal Normal : In people with Kidney Normal:
A. A. Pada Individu berisiko: yaitu ada keluarga yang In the Individual risk: namely that there are families
1. 1. Berpenyakit ginjal turunan seperti: Batu Ginjal, Ginjal Polikistik, atau Diseases such as kidney derivative: Kidney stones, Kidney Polikistik, or
2. 2. Berpenyakit umum: Diabetes Mellitus, Hipertensi, Dislipidemia (Cholesterol tinggi), Obesitas, Gout. Diseases common: Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Dislipidemia (high cholesterol), Obesity, Gout. Pada kelompok ini ikuti pedoman yang khusus untuk menghindari penyakit tersebut di atas, sekali-sekali kontrol/periksa ke dokter/labratorium. In this group, follow these guidelines specifically to avoid the disease, the once-once control / check to the doctor / labratorium.
B. B. Individu yang tanpa risiko: Hidup sehat, Pahami tanda-tanda sakit ginjal: BAK terganggu / tidak normal, Nyeri pinggang, Bengkak mata / kaki, Infeksi di luar ginjal: leher/tenggorokan, Berobat/kontrol untuk menghindari: fase kronik /berkepanjangan. Individuals without the risk: Living healthy, Understand the signs of kidney pain: BAK subject / not normal, Pain waist, Bengkak eye / feet, outside the kidney infection: the neck / throat, REMEDY / control to avoid: phase chronicles / contracts.
II . II. Pada orang dengan Ginjal terganggu ringan /sedang: Hati-hati: obat rematik, antibiotika tertentu, Infeksi: obati segera, Hindari kekurangan cairan (muntaber), Kontrol secara periodik In the light interfere with the Kidney / are: Caution: rheumatism medicine, antibiotics, the infection: medical immediately, the lack Avoid liquids (muntaber), Control periodically
III . III. Ginjal terganggu berat / terminal: Terapi Pengganti Ginjal (Renal Replacement Treatment) Kidney interfere weight / terminal: Special replacement Kidney (renal Replacement Treatment)

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