Nutrition gangliosida, naturally found in milk, milk, meat and eggs, have an important role in brain growth and development of children.
Senior researchers from Palmerston North, New Zealand, Dr.Paul McJarrow, PhD explains gangliosida in acid sialat needed in the growth, development, migration and maturation of cells and the formation of the brain nervous synaps (the relationship between the nervous cells).
Fat acid complex sialat group consisting of a sugar component that, according to McJarrow, also help the process of transmitting signals synaps, the formation of brain structure and store information.
"Research conducted in humans also shows that suplementasi gangliosida can improve the ability to learn and remember the children," he explained.
He explains, gangliosida important role in brain growth and development of children is also evident from the large number of concentration gangliosida in the gray area or in the brain and the brain of cerebral cortex, which is an important area in memory formation.
However, according to him, up to now have not known the critical needs gangliosida in neurons and the formation synaps. "In a specific period not yet known critically, when gangliosida really needed," he said.
He suggested that mothers who are pregnant maximize Feed nutrisinya with consume food containing gangliosida such as milk, meat and eggs.
Suplementasi gangliosida milk, he said, can also be given to the baby after the period of exclusive breastfeeding is over.
Further described, although gangliosida only important but not enough to support growth and development of the brain, other micro-nutrients such as protein, KolĂn, AA-DHA, zinc, iron, copper, iodium, folat and vitamin A also have the same important role.
"That all does not stand alone, all required for the growth and development of the brain," said dr.Soedjatmiko, SpA, MSi, child specialist consultants to grow flowers.
Head of the Division of the Department of Grown-reviewed pediatrics, Faculty of Social Medicine, University of Indonesia also add that, without adequate nutrition stimulation alone can not optimize growth and brain development of children.
"As nutrition, stimulation is also very important. Stimulation can be done with a stimulative voice, palpation, movement, images and graffiti on the playground, breastfeeding, bathing, walking and the other," said dr. Soedjatmiko.
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