JANGAN REMEHKAN Infeksi Saluran Kemih... | Urine infection channels ...

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The number of patients who are infected urine channel (ISK) is very much in the world, especially in adult women. The impact of ISK is very large on the activities of daily living and quality of the patient.

How Many Channels Gen. urine infection?

ISK acute disease is one of the most widely found in the female adult, it is estimated that half of all adult women will have at least 1 times Cystitis acute episode during their life and 1 in 4 women will experience episodes rekuren (recurring).

Will that cause infections in the urine channel?

Most of the channels of infection caused by bacteria chew. The bacteria that most often cause is ISK E. coli (about 70-95% of cases ISK) and S. saprophyticus (about 5-10% of cases ISK). Channel urine that can be infected include the kidney, ureter, bladder, and uretra, but most often it bladder infection.

Why Women Having More Frequent urine infection channels of Men?

Channel urine infection experienced by women often repeated because uretra channel (the channel from the bladder) short. Thus, the germs that have easy entry to the ureter can even come from the vagina.

How Seriuskah urine infection in the Channel?

Infection in the bladder can cause pain, even spreading to the kidneys that can cause serious problems. Infection in the kidneys require a long treatment and care in the hospital.

What examination is required for the Knowing Channel urine infection?

Laboratory examination to establish the diagnosis ISK is urin routine urin and culture. Urin used for the examination should urin morning is the first time that urin issued in the morning.

Urin routine inspections include chemical (specific gravity, pH, leukosit esterase, nitrit, albumin, glucose, keton, urobilinogen, bilirubin, blood), sediment microscopic (eritrosit, leukosit, cylinder, epitel cells, bacteria, crystals) and makroskopis (color and clarity).

"When you get positive results for examination nitrit, leukosit esterase, leukosit and eritrosit positive bacteria, along with the examination on the microscopic sediment then it indicates there is ISK. Head to consult doctors for treatment! "

Nitrit Urin
In normal circumstances there is no nitrit in urin. Nitrit is the result of the reduction in nitrate urin become nitrit made by bacteria.

Leukosit Esterase Urin
In normal circumstances there is no leukosit esterase in urin. Leukosit esterase is useful for detection bakteriuria.

Eritrosit Urin
In normal circumstances there is no eritrosit in urin. There is eritrosit in urin called hematuria. Hematuria can be caused by bleeding in the urine channel infark such as kidney, ISK, etc..

Leukosit Urin
Leukosit there are many in number in urin called piuria. These conditions often found in the urine infection channels.

Kultur Urin
Urin examination culture is an ISK standard for diagnosis. In normal circumstances, the bladder urin in sterile conditions or not there is bacteria. ISK on patients usually found at least 105 bacteria / ml urin.

Are Symptoms of infection channels urine Most Common?

Cystitis is a urine infection channels of the most common, is marked with the symptoms as follows:


Always want to feel a small void

Last summer when a small waste water

Difficulty small waste water

Out of blood at the time of small waste water (urine color pink)

Pain on the pubic bone

The savory smell does not waste water while small in the morning

Tips Preventing urinary infection


Many drinking water to encourage bacterial white out

Do not dispose of a little water, waste water flee small time feel

Basuh genitalia from the front to back, not vice versa

Immediately after the small waste water related sexual

Using pelicin / lubrikasi time when the related sexual vagina too little fluid

If you suffer recurrent urine infection channels avoid the diaphragm contraceptive usage. We recommend consulting with a doctor to choose other means of contraception that

For more information please contact the Clinical Laboratory Prodia nearby.

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