Sexual organs in women, such as the uterus, vagina, and breast, each have a distinctive function. Sometimes the organs can not be run properly. This can then cause a disturbance. Disease that attacks the organs femininity varies type, among others, namely keputihan, interference menstruasi, breast cancer, reproductive organ cancer (neck womb, uterus, ovarium), pelvic inflammation, cyst ovary, and so forth.
A. Keputihan
On a normal condition, vagina can remove fluid that came from the womb. Generally, the liquid out a little, clear, and does not smell. If the fluid (not blood) out of the vagina is excessive, the situation called keputihan. During pregnancy, the menstruasi, ovulasi at the time, and due to sexual excitement, vagina tend to issue more liquid, including the symptoms are still normal. However, when excessive fluid out, sometimes the cause itchiness, and the savory smell does not need to diwaspadai.
Keputihan causes include: infection by microorganisms (fungus Candida albicans, the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoea, Trichomonas vaginalis parasite), hormone balance disturbances, chronic fatigue and stress, inflammation genitals, a foreign object in the vagina, or the symptoms of the disease in organs such as uterus cancer uterus, and so forth.
B. Interference Menstruasi
Menstruasi monthly bleeding is coming from the womb through the vagina pelapis on the sexual abuse of adult women and not pregnant. Ever bleeding menstruasi average lasts between 3-5 days with the cycle average 28 days. In normal conditions, menstruasi not cause a significant disruption. However, in some women, menstruasi can sometimes disrupt the day-to-day activities, even a very harrowing because the pain is incredible (dymenorrhoea). Missed a period or who do not regularly menstruasi should also diwaspadai because that means there has been abnormalitas on menstruasi cycle.
Pain relief during menstruasi that could be caused by various factors including the hormone imbalance, namely the increased occurrence of sekresi hormone prostaglandin which can cause excessive contraction of uterus. Menstruasi a regular can not be due to a hormone disturbance or psychological factors, such as stress, depression, and others that can affect hormones work.
C. Cyst Ovarium
That is an abnormal sac containing liquid or semi-liquid that grows in the ovary (ovarium). Ovarium cyst is usually not cancerous, but even these small cyst required further attention to ensure the cyst is not a cancer.
Ovarium the cyst is small does not usually show symptoms or pain, or broken unless terpuntir which causes great pain in the lower abdomen, and rigid. Cyst or a large amount can cause many symptoms such as pain in the pelvis, lumbar pain, pain during sexual touch, abnormal bleeding of the womb.
The cause of a cyst ovarium namely the establishment of a disruption in the hormone hipotalamus, hipofise, or the ovary itself. Ovary cyst arising from folikel who does not work during the cycle menstruasi.
D. Cancer Payudara
It is the second most types of cancer that attacks the Indonesian women. The main attack was a woman who was 40 years and above. Women who have not been delivered, the first pregnancy on the age of 35 years, did not breastfeed the child, had a long cycle menstruasi (get the first period of less than 12 years and menopause more than 50 years), never got on breast radiation, the trauma experienced breast, families who have suffered from this disease, have a high risk for suffering from breast cancer.
There is a small benjolan on the network around the breast, feels hard, wrinkling of the skin wrinkling, breast, blood or pus discharge from the nipple, changes in the nipple, such as itching, felt a burn, and to be interested in, can be signs of potential breast cancer. It is not yet known exactly, but the factors that role in the process of tumor occurrence is the hormone estrogen.
Checking the changes that occur in the breast should be done regularly, so if there is a difference can be anticipated. To detect early breast cancer can perform checks on their own breasts every month (5-7 days after menses), to see if there is difference or not.
E. Rahim and Neck Cancer (Serviks Uteri)
Is a type of cancer that most often occurs in women of Indonesia. The high death cases caused by cancer serviks women in Indonesia because generally known after the new stadium go. In developed countries, cancer cases serviks has somewhat decreased. This is because the program Papsmear conducted regularly in an attempt to skunder prevention and early detection of cancer serviks.
Symptoms of cancer serviks depending on the phase of growth. In the early phase (preinvasif) often do not cause symptoms or only very few symptoms, such as keputihan. In the phase invasif (more) causes bleeding outside the vagina during menstruation, pain and bleeding after bersenggama, pain in the pelvic area, lost appetite, lost weight, and anemia because of bleeding.
The cause of cancer serviks not exactly known, but suspected of around 95% by a similar virus Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), the virus can be spread through sexual relations. There are several factors that can increase the risk of a cancer serviks, namely:
- Frequently change pair sexual
- Associated sexual abuse in young
- Pregnancy repeatedly (often birth)
- Virus infection on serviks
Next example prescription drug plant that is used to assist treatment womanhood.
15 pieces of betel leaves washed and boiled with 2 liters of water to boiling, warm-warm water used to wash the vagina several times a day.
15 grams of dried pomegranate skin gram Sambiloto + 10 + 20 grams of dried turmeric (sliced-slices), washed clean ago boiled with water up to 600 cc remaining 300 cc, filtered, drinking water 2 times a day.
Interference Menstruasi
30 grams temu buffoonery (sliced chip) + 15 grams of red rose + 15 grams of leaves god + 10 grams of dried tubers Riddles, all washed clean and boiled with water up to 600 cc remaining 300 cc, filtered, drinking water 2 times a day.
Cyst Ovarium
30 grams of leaves god + 50 grams of white temu + 15 grams Sambiloto dry, all washed clean ago boiled with 1 liter of water until the remaining 450 cc, filtered, drinking water 3 times a day.
Cancer & Cancer Payudara Serviks
60 grams of white temu + 5 grams of dried fruit of the gods crown + handsome 30 grams + 30 grams of dried grass snake tongue dry, washed and boiled with 1 liter of water until the remaining 450 cc, filtered, drinking water 3 times a day.
Note: Make a regular and permanent consultations to the doctor.
To boiling pot of land use, enamel or glass pot.
Preventing & Overcoming disease femininity with Tumbuhan Drugs...... | Mencegah & Mengatasi Penyakit Kewanitaan dengan Tumbuhan Obat...
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