Stupid is one of liver disease

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Stupid is one of liver disease that is very dangerous and very egregious consequences. However often and has a majority do not feel that I have is this dangerous disease. And because of this stupid disease appears diseases such as a jealous, envious, situations, arrogant, ujub (prides itself) and others. Ignorance of the disease is more dangerous than eldritch body disease. Since the peak of the disease ended with the death of the body, as the disease has a heart will deliver to the misery and destruction that eternal. Hopefully, this makes a brief written warning for all of us, so we all tersadar to change the situation that is dangerous and egregious to life and to reach the diridloi by ALLAH
Stupid is one of liver disease that is very dangerous and very egregious consequences. However often and has a majority do not feel that I have is this dangerous disease. And because of this stupid disease appears diseases such as a jealous, envious, situations, arrogant, ujub (prides itself) and others.

Because of this ignorance is the source of all heart disease and the source of all evil. Ignorance of the disease is more dangerous than eldritch body disease. Since the peak of the disease ended with the death of the body, as the disease has a heart will deliver to the misery and destruction that eternal. Human affected by the disease this contemptible life and misery in the world and in many akherat ALLAH mentioned in the Al-Quran on the tercelanya and hinanya and replies and the consequences for those fools who do not want to know about science and religion in the world akherat. Among God states in the Al-Furqon: 44 Do you think that most of them hear and understand. They not only like animals the way for even more misguided.
In this paragraph, ALLAH equate those fools who do not want to know the theology of animals such as cattle-straying, and even more ugly.
In the Al-Anfal: 22. He also stated: Indeed, animals (creatures) are the most ugly at the sight of Allah is the person who is deaf and dumb to not understand anything (do not want to hear and understand the truth).
In this verse Allah announces that stupid people who do not want to understand the truth is that most ugly beast among all the animals slither like donkey, wild animals, insects, dogs and all the other animals. But those fools who do not want the truth more evil and worse of all animals.

Then ALLAH also stated that those stupid as the people who are blind can not see the letter as Ar Rodu: 19. He said: Do people know that what is revealed to thee from thy Lord with the same people blind?
And ALLAH mensifati many people are ignorant with the dumb, blind and deaf.
Then the existence of those ignorant of the dakwahnya the rosul since rosul the first rosul until the last, they are the enemy of even the most dangerous enemy of the actual rosul. Until Moses alaihissalam shelter to God not to be ignorant people, as in Al-Baqoroh: 67 I take refuge to Alloh not to be ignorant people.
God and the prophets also ordered to shollallaahu sick but I'm still respectfully to turn away from the ignorant
And you turn away from those who are ignorant!

Then ALLAH also equate ignorant people who do not receive the apostles preached as the dead and has terkubur, albeit to find them alive. Because the apostles preached that science and faith. Science and faith that this is the heart that makes life, if science and faith are not there in the hearts of people so that people become stupid. And the foolish Die heart.

This is the result of ignorance then he lives in the world, such as the blind can not see the truth. Who does not understand the truth of his error and a life without direction.
The blind eye of people due to heart kebodohannya, will be raised in the circumstances blind. And the place is like hell. As word of ALLAH in the Al-Isra: 72 and 97
Whoever in the world is blind eye on his heart, then akherat more and more blind strayed from the correct path and we will collect them on the Day of Resurrection, are on their faces in drag in the circumstances blind, deaf and dumb, they are the dwelling place of Fire blasted.

That is the consequence and reward for those fools who do not want to know the science of this religion. Because they are such circumstances in the world. And men are raised in accordance with the circumstances of heart. Ignorance is also one of the nature of the characteristics of the population of Hell as God states in the Al-Araf: 179
And we made to the contents of Fire blasted most of the jinn and mankind, they have the heart but is not used to see, and they have ears but it is not used to hear the verses of Allah. They like their animals even more astray again. They are the people who are negligent.
In this paragraph ALLAH report on characteristics of the population, namely the Fire blasted those who do not have knowledge as to not use the facilities to gain knowledge, namely: intellect, hearing, and so they become DISTRIBUTION those foolish.

This show is all about jeleknya ignorance and the tercelanya, ignorant people in the world and in akherat. How mengerikannya danger and foolishness if it overrides a person, he will accept the result membinasakannya. Even if we see the current situation Muslims are around us, they really have made this excruciating disease. If we only know a little about this religion and trying to practice so we will know the sad reality, ignorance has been evenly distributed either individuals, families, communities and countries. However, they do not feel that they are dijangkit dangerous disease that will destroy itself. They laugh and driven by kegemilangan world, if they do not realize the error even in disbelief, kebidahan and kemaksiatan. However, due to ignorance, they do not feel, even feel the truth and obedience. When presented Al-Haq, they feel restless and the defendant astray. This strikes a majority Muslim nation, people read, parents, people and leadership. This sad reality.

So what if this continues to drag left?
Hopefully, this makes a brief written warning for all of us, so we all tersadar to change the situation that is dangerous and egregious to life and to reach the diridloi by ALLAH, which will deliver to the eternal happiness, in the world and in the akherat. And circumstances such as this there will be no other way except to change with the provision of useful knowledge. Because heart disease is ignorance that there is no medicine except with the science. As word I want Shallallahu margin-bottom: Written:
No other medicine other than ignorance ask (HR. Ibn Majjah, Ahmad and others).
Because this is the name of Allah the Al-Quran as a drug for all heart disease. As Allah said in the letter Jonah: 57
People have indeed come to thee from thy Lord and advice for effective disease in the breast and guidance and mercy for those who believe.
Because this is the position of ulama, such as doctors, namely, the heart doctors. So butuhnya heart of the science as butuhnya breath of air even greater.
Science is for the hearts laksan water for fish, the water lost when the Die fish.
So the position of science for the heart like a light for the eyes, ears like to hear oral speech, when all is lost, the heart is like a blind eye, ear orally and a deaf mute that.
wallahu natural EXALTED

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