kidney function | fungsi Ginjal ...

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kidney function as a place to process and manage the chemical balance of all body fluids and also functions as a residue disposal system through body fluids ureter. So kidney is the main organ that functions to control and maintain the chemical balance of body fluids.
At the level that is not so severe, diseases such as kidney stones, acute glomeralonephritis (temporary inflammation in the kidneys), bladder infection (cystitis) caused the condition that is not nice and very possible.
AV Uri K, is effective to prevent and reduce the formation of kidney stones. The combination composition AV Uri K formulated specifically to overcome the interference with the repair of kidney problem.
Some of the composition AV Uri K is a material that has been teruji and have high potential as an anti-inflammatory (infection), and a high potential as The kidney stones. So that the process of decomposition disposal / liquidation kidney stones will not cause infection.
From research terbukti, AV Uri K significantly mitigate, reduce and even eliminate the lumbago caused kidney stones, stop the bleeding in the urine (hermaturia), keruhnya the urine, severe fever due to infection or kidney stones in the ureter because of kidney stones fraction (dysuria ). AV Uri K is also able to erase kidney stones and is anti-inflamatory / anti-infection which is very strong and this is very beneficial for people with prostat enlargement.

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