consider everything that you consume

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Many changes have occurred and experienced, both physically and emotionally when a start. You should always consider the schedule and type of food that you consume, because the growth and development of the fetus depends on the mother's nutrition food.

Some vitamin vital role in embryo growth. During pregnancy, due to increased energy metabolism changes in your body system and the development of the fetus. Hence, the need for energy and vitamin should be improved. Add it to the way what? Not simply continue to increase the amount of food into the body, but also to consider everything that you consume.

Trismester during the second and third pregnancies need 300 calories per day. Although the increase is not used in trismester first, not mean that the balance of nutrition is not important. This additional calories needed to increase your body weight (total 12 to 16 kg during pregnancy). This is needed to produce weight loss is enough when the baby was born. Trismester should at first, growing weight of only 0, 5 kg each month. While in the second trismester, 0, 5 kg each week. Sdangkan in trismester last (month-to 9), may only be 0, 5 to 1 kg. You can get the calories consumed with the nuts, fruit, cereals, rice, vegetables, potatoes.

Protein is necessary to build, repair, and replace the body's network. Pregnant women need additional nutrition to the growth of fetus optimal. Protein you can get consumed with the know, Tempe, meat, poultry, fish, milk, and eggs.

Research shows that the fetus requires 13 mg calcium from the mother's blood. Fetus needs calcium for bone and tooth growth. If the amount of calcium they get less, then it will retrieve it from the bones. As a result, you can experience pelunakan bones (osteomalasia) later. Calcium can you get with consume dairy products, know, broccoli, beans.

Lack of iron will lead to growth and development of the fetus to be obstructed. Lack of iron can increase the risk of disability (mortality) and your fetus. Because of the need to be difficult to iron from eating a diet pattern, then sometimes the recommended supplements. Iron you can get consumed with spinach, red meat, liver, fish, poultry, shellfish, eggs, soy.

Folat acid (vitamin B)
Acid folat consumed since the conception and early pregnancy able to prevent birth defects in the brain and spine. Research shows the risk difference spine (spina bifida) and brain ronggga aberration (anensefali) decreased to 50%. It is recommended to get folat acid 400 mg per day. Acid folat can you get with spinach consume orange juice, oatmeal, broccoli, stoberi, and bread.

Liquids needed to increase blood volume and water ketubah. Drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses each day. Feed does not reduce the liquid will reduce the swelling that you experience. Akan but can cause damage to the kidneys. Consumption of fluids is the best white water, in addition you can also consume soup, juice, and tea.

Salt can help manage water in the blood. The body needs a little salt, about 2000 to 8000 mg per day. Some mothers are exposed to high blood preeklamsia or even will not need additional salt consumption.

Do not forget to avoid cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine consumption.

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