Lupus disease Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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hear the name of the disease Lupus? This disease is less than pamornya HIV / AIDS, DBD, cancer, or the other. Despite so, it must remain diwaspadai. Since the number of penderitanya increasing, and the quality of life of a odapus (People with Lupus)

According to general practitioners Balikpapan Pertamina Hospital (RSPB) dr Rudy Fajar Qimindra, Lupus or called in the medical world with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) comes from the Latin language, which means wolf. This term is known since the century began to-10. Medium eritematosus means red. This is to describe the red rash on the skin that resembles a dog bite in the forest around the nose and cheek. So that's where the term still used for the lupus disease Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.

Symptoms of lupus often provide initial complaint pain in the joint. Not only that, the whole organ is a pain in the body even going aberration on the skin, and not infrequently a tired body and sensitive to prolonged sunlight.

Told Qimindra limit this disease is autoimun disease, systemic, chronicles, marked with the various bodies that form the antibody immune complex, giving rise to a reaction to inflammation in the body.

"Autoimun mean, people with lupus formed body resistance body (antibody) but wrong direction, with the damage the body's own organs, such as kidney, heart, joints, blood cells and others. While antibody should be directed to fight the bacteria / virus that enter the body, "said a man familiar disapa dr Qimi this.

Meanwhile, systemic, plainly, has a sense that the disease attacks almost all organs. While chronic, lupus is a disease can be prolonged, sometimes there are quiet periods ago suddenly relapse again.

Told Qimi, disease lupus attack more women aged 15 - 45 years old with a comparison of women between 10 - 15 times more often than men.

"This means, it is often about women's age, but rarely attack men and old age," he said

As for the cause, until now have not known clearly. But the suspected fuse on environmental factors, among others, such as infection, ultraviolet rays, use of certain drugs, allergies, mental and physical stress.

So it is estimated that lupus arises from the interaction of various types of exposure found in the environment with the individuals who are vulnerable to the genetic explanation is.

Clinical symptoms of this disease lupus, according to Qimi, very knowledgeable and depending on where the body affected. Start from a mild form of spots on the skin red and sore joints due to a heavy attack the body's vital organs such as brain, heart, lungs and kidneys.

At the beginning of the journey, said Qimi, it is marked with the clinical symptoms that are not specific, among others, weak, listless, fever, nausea, decreased appetite, and weight down. Early symptoms are not unique to this disease is similar to some of the other.

Because symptoms of this disease is very broad and not specific in the first place, it is not to say someone carelessly exposed to the disease lupus.

"Because of the symptoms are similar to other infectious diseases, the disease lupus dijuluki as a copycat. The other is the nickname of a thousand faces, "sebutnya.

"Because of that, patients usually do doctor shopping (moved doctor) before the disease can be diagnosed ditegakkan," added Qimi.

According to the American College of Rheumatology, 1997, quoted Qimi, SLE diagnosis must meet 4 of the 11 criteria set. Meanwhile, a brief description of symptoms is 11, is as follows:

1. Reddish rash on both cheeks through the nose so that there is such as butterfly formation, the term Medicine Malar Rash / Butterfly Rash.

2. The speck reddish rounded shape on the skin marked by the scar that the network is higher than the surrounding skin surface.

3. Fotosensitive, the occurrence of a rash on the skin because of sun sengatan

4. Wound in the mouth and tongue, as sariawan (oral ulcers).

5. Pain in the joints-joints. Joint swelling and reddish color. This phenomenon found in 90% odapus.

6. Symptoms in the lungs and heart be filled membrane pembungkusnya fluid.

7. Interference in the kidney that there is protein in the urine.

8. Disruption in the brain / nervous system ranging from depression, convulsions, stroke, and others.

9. Aberration in the blood system in which the number of white blood cell and trombosit reduced. And also usually occurs anemia

10. Test ANA (antinuclear Antibody) positive

11. Body's immune system disruption.

He explains, treatment for lupus, the development of drug-obatannya far better than 2-3 decades ago. In addition to medicines, non-drug therapy is recommended for odapus is to avoid factors such as the spark that sun exposure is too much, avoid mental stress and physical excessive.

"Developing a positive mental attitude, exercise, nutrition mengonsumsi enough, and control to the doctor regularly are the steps to keep both healthy despite lupus reside in the body," explained.

You Terdiagnosis disease Lupus?

Must be used by doctors that it is true that the experts correctly Lupus. So do not recklessly memvonisnya. But when it is vertical diagnosisnya, not confused and anxious. Many parties who will help and support education such as Lupus Foundation of Indonesia (YLI), a doctor from the observers lupus and of course from the government.

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