Ovarium cyst whether it?

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Ovarium cyst whether it?
Cyst is a bag containing liquids, such as balloon cyst containing water, can grow anywhere and various types. Cyst which is located on the surface or in the ovarium (ovary) called ovarium cyst or tumor ovarium.
Ovarium cyst often occurs in women in the reproduksinya. Most of the cyst form because the hormone level changes that occur during the menstrual cycle, the production and release of eggs from the ovarium cells.
Most of the ovarium cyst does not cause symptoms, or only a little pain is not dangerous. But adapula cyst which grew to a large and painful menimpulkan sharp. Pemastian disease can not be seen from the symptoms may be because the symptoms are similar to other conditions such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammation, pregnancy ektopik (outside the womb) or ovarium cancer.
However, it is important to consider any changes or symptoms ditubuh you to know where the serious symptoms. Following symptoms may appear when you have a cyst ovarium:

* Perut feel full, heavy, kembung
* Pressure on the rectum and bladder (difficult to dispose of urine)
* Hapa not regularly
* Nyeri within the pelvis or kambuhan that can spread to the thigh and back down.
* Nyeri coition
* Nausea, vomiting want, or similar, such as breast enforcement at the time of pregnancy.

Symptoms following the instructions needed to provide immediate handling of health:

* Nyeri sharp stomach and suddenly
Nyeri * along with fever
* Men want to vomit.

The types of cyst ovarium

1. Functional cyst
Cyst from the network that has changed during the normal menstrual function. Normal cyst will decline and disappear by itself in the period 2-3 menstrual cycle. There are 2 kinds of functional cyst: cyst folikular and korpus luteum cyst.
* Kista folikular
Folikel as storage egg cell egg cell will be issued at the time when a stimulus ovulasi LH (Luteinizing Hormone). Expenditure is regulated by hormones hipofisis gland in the brain. When all goes smoothly, egg cells are released and begin to channel perjalannya eggs (falloppi tuba) to be fertilized. Cyst folikuler form hikes if LH does not occur ovulasi chain reaction and does not start, so it is not broken folikel cells or release eggs, and even folikel continue to grow into a cyst. Folikuler cyst is usually not dangerous, rarely cause pain and often disappear by itself between 2-3 menstrual cycle.
Cyst Ovarium - Mother Labibahs Kista Ovarium - Mother Labibahs
* Kista korpus luteum
LH hikes occur when cells and egg is released, another chain of events began. Folikel then reacts to produce the LH hormone estrogen and progesteron in large numbers as a preparation for fertilization. Changes in this folikel called korpus luteum. However, sometimes after the egg cell is released, discharge hole and closed networks gather in it, causing korpus luteum cyst and a draw. Although the cyst is usually lost with its own in a few weeks, but the cyst can grow to 4 inch (10 cm) and diameternya potential to bleed itself or urgent ovarium the cause pelvic pain, or stomach. If the cyst contains blood, the cyst can be broken and cause internal bleeding and a sharp pain suddenly.

Cyst Ovarium - Mother Labibahs
2. Dermoid cyst
Ovarium cyst containing a fad type of network eg hair, nails, skin, teeth and other. Cyst may have happened since this is still small, may have even brought in his mother's womb. Cyst is usually dry and does not cause symptoms, but can become large and cause pain.
3. Endometriosis cyst
Cyst that endometriosis from the network (the network is similar to the membrane walls of the uterus grows outside the uterus) in the patch and become ovarium cyst. Cyst is often referred to as chocolate cyst because endometriosis contain reddish-brown blood. This cyst endometriosis associated with the disease that cause painful menstruation and painful sexual intercourse.
Cyst Ovarium - Mother Labibahs
4. Kistadenoma
Cyst that developed from cells in the cortex ovarium surface, are usually benign. Kistasenoma can grow to become big and the other organs and cause stomach aches.
Cyst Ovarium - Mother Labibahs Kista Ovarium - Mother Labibahs
5. Polikistik ovarium
Ovarium cyst contains many of the buildings that are causing folikel cyst ovarium thick. This is polikistik ovarium disease syndrome caused by hormonal disturbances, especially the excessive hormone androgen. Ovarium cyst make this up and create a thick outside layer that can prevent the occurrence of ovulasi, that often cause problems infertilitas.

Examination and diagnosis
Pemastian cyst ovarium for diagnosis can be made with the review:

1. Ultrasonografi (USG)
This is not painful, tentacle (transducer) is used to send and receive high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound), which cut through the pelvis, and displays a picture in the womb and ovarium screen. This picture can be printed and analyzed by a doctor to ensure the existence of the cyst, to help identify the location and determine whether the content of cyst fluid or solid. Cyst containing liquids tend to be more benign, cyst containing solid material requires further examination.
2. Laparoskopi

With laparoskopi (light telescope and instruments inserted through the thin small-operative under the navel) doctor can see ovarium, suck fluid from the cyst, or take the material for percontoh biopsy.
Penyulit (complications)
Ovarium cyst is not dangerous for a benign condition, but the cyst can swell, which caused pain in the stomach. In some cases it may be possible production of hormones from the ovarium and iregular bleeding from the vagina and increased body hair. If the cyst or tumor pressing up and bladder, you will berkemih more frequently because of reduced bladder capacity. Ovarium cyst cyst can be dangerous when a violent change, because all the cyst must be examined by a doctor. Medicine
Treatment depends on the age, size and type of cyst and the symptoms suffered. Some of the treatment options that may be recommended:

1. The â € œwait and seeâ €?
If women's reproductive age who still want to get pregnant, berovulasi regularly, without symptoms, and the results show USG cyst containing fluid, the doctor does not provide any treatment to recommend and review periodically replay USG (2-3 lapse menstrual cycle) to see if the cyst size up . This approach is also the option for a woman if pascamenopause cyst containing fluid and diameternya less than 5 cm.
2. Contraceptive pill
If there is a functional cyst, the contraceptive pill is used to decrease the size of cyst. Use of the contraceptive pill to reduce cyst growth opportunities.
3. Surgery
If large cyst (diameter> 5 cm), dense, grow or remain for 2-3 menstrual cycle, or a cyst iregular shape, causing pain or symptoms of weight, the cyst can be removed with surgery. If the cyst is not cancer, can be done miomektomi action to remove the cyst ovarium still in place. If the cyst is a cancer, your doctor will recommend action to histerektomi lifting ovarium.


1. What this disease cyst only attack women only?
If the cyst ovary is the only woman just because men do not have any ovary, but the cyst can dikulit or wherever and the doctor who will take the skin.

2. What causes this disease?
The causes vary. Could from the small of birth is talented to the disease, for example contains the hair, nails, fat or the other, this is called cyst dermoid cyst and have since brought in her mother's womb. There is a growing and later as endometriosis cyst is a disruption of hormonal and immune disturbances. There is also a matter that called abses cyst caused by inflammation or infection. Can also change the cell body, its contents or liquids such as nasal mucus cyst mesinosum called nodes or serosum. So many causes.

3. The more specific about the cause of this disease, what may be because the food?
For cyst endometriosis can be affected by eating patterns, when to eat so much fat that the body can be parsed by ongoing interference with the hormones, giving rise to endometriosis cyst. Or eating patterns that are not regularly or frequently jajan cyst can also cause endometriosis.

4. Limited or no age how can this disease?
There is no limit, so the baby is born until old age can be affected at any time cyst, depending on the type. The early terkenanya more likely to become violent.

5. What signs cyst can be seen from the outside without assistance USG, and any signs originally?
Initial symptoms vary. For cyst endometriosis symptoms painful menstruation, painful defecate, and, if already married when the pain associated. Cyst for the other symptoms such as feeling full diperut, kembung, difficult defecate, feeling nausea, often dispose of the wind. If the cyst is up, such as the stomach also help pregnant women in the liquid containing stomach cavity. If the cyst is still small, is quite difficult be touched / visible from outside the necessary tools such as the USG.

6. If early signs that we do not see us or remehkan what consequences?
Sometimes it is a new stadium go in and the result is usually unsatisfactory.

7. Type of cyst which is the most dangerous?
Dangerous if the cyst become violent, if not dangerous does not become violent. During the tame conditions need not fear because it can be treated with surgery or drugs. If a malignant cyst, handling more radical with kistanya should be appointed and given medication, anti-cancer drugs.

8. What can make the cyst difficult pregnancy, the possibility can persenkah pregnant? When pregnant how can the impact on the fetus and the mother's health?
* Depending on the type and what parent eggs exposed both of them or not, if only one affected ovary cyst and one does not always have the possibility to be pregnant. And the cyst does not always automatically interrupt the pregnancy depending on the type and magnitude. Cyst does not always increase during pregnancy, a type of cyst that can expand during pregnancy and who have not joined up during pregnancy name endometriosis cyst, cyst even this static (stop growing) when pregnant. There are other types, namely mesinosum (serosum) took up pregnant at the time, this sometimes makes abortion because the size of the cyst with the pregnancy.
* The mother and the fetus's health will not interfere unless kistanya kind of vicious.

9. Are there factors that affect the transcription of this?
Not directly, but there is a factor known as familiar, in a family means there is a tendency to be affected in some people, for example on the type of cyst may be due to endometriosis is the pattern of living / eating patterns, eg since a small adult to have a certain type of food (X ) that sekeluarga eaten each day, when there are 3 women in the family was then 2 people from the woman is exposed to the same disease.

10. How can so that we do not this disease?
We suggest that the pattern of life regularly, eat well-balanced nutrition, and eating vegetables, especially the filamentous green substance because it contains antioxidants that make it easier to remove the poison from the body, and also need fat and protein because protein to form the body of the resistance is high.

11. Whether it can dihambat growth / development related to psychological factors eg stress, depression, or the other, and what can make it grow rapidly growing?
Theoretically can, especially those dependent on the development, such as endometriosis and hormonal polikistik cyst. Indeed, depending on the pattern of the hormones in our bodies and the pattern is influenced by hormones stress on women as the central control hormones in the brain, stress easily disrupted if not balanced, so easy to stimulate the growth of cyst, and can be prevented if we keep quiet.

1 komentar:

On 26 Februari 2009 pukul 01.19 , Anonim mengatakan...

pregnancy is not an answer to endo...for some women it helps, but for most women, they need excision surgery...

such surgery can actually help women have children

women go through expensive IVF treatments when sometimes what they need is excision surgery (with scissors or laser - this isnot the same thing as just lasering it...you need to have the roots removed)

these are great docs, who help many women


there's also a wonderful doc in nebraska, dr hilgers
you can learn charting, which can help you know when to test hormone levels, which can let you know when to supplement with progesterone

