| The theory Dr. Peter J.D'Adamo said that around the year 10,000 SM of our ancestors were still living with the style of the nomad, roamed from one place to the other place. This lifestyle made them always adapting with the environment and available food. The matter so became the cause of the B blood group emergence that agreed with various other kinds of the blood group diet. | |
However, at the moment, so that always healthy the owner of the B blood group, was suggested to avoid frozen food or tinned food. Whereas food have material the foundation of milk that had the content of the high carbohydrate was really recommended. | |
The typical characteristics of the B blood group:
- Dianjurkan to carry out the diet with various variations of blood group food, but limiting asupan meat.
- Disarankan mengonsumsi food and the drink have material the foundation of milk to increase the system of body immunity. Olahraga that was suitable to be done was swimming, tennis, walked and meditation.
- Untuk overcame stress, better look for the routine activity took the form of the hobby and creativity.
The diet menu that was recommended:
- Breakfast: Sereal + one banana + A Glass Milk without lemak
- the Interlude before having lunch: Juice of Anggur
- had lunch: A chest of the chicken + two pieces of bread + Salad + Tea of Herbal
- the Interlude in the afternoon: Orange Juice/Yogurt + Tea herbal
- ate dinner: A smoke fish + vegetables boiled + the Fresh Fruit + Tea herbal
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