 | The AB blood group, was the last blood group, that was known 1000 years of SM. Dr. Peter J.D'Adamo said at that time our ancestors began to change the style of his life to the side of modern.
The food kind that was suggested was the blend between food that was permitted to be consumed by the owners of the A blood group and B. | |
In fact, the A kind and B of blood group food very opposite. The group-owned person of B blood was suggested to mengonsumsi various food kinds, whereas the owner of the A blood group was suggested only mengonsumsi plants, the alias berpola ate the vegetarian. So Dr. Peter J.D'Adamo recommended that the owner of the AB blood group more often carried out the vegetarian diet but continued to consume the milk product at the time of certain. Especially when playing sport. | |
The characteristics of the owner of the B blood group were:
- Memiliki the sensitive digestion route.
- Disarankan to consume food in a few, but the frequency ate solider (more often ate with the small portion)
- Untuk more energetic make accustomed played sport in the morning.
Menu Diet yang dianjurkan -
Sarapan : Air putih dicampur jeruk nipis + Juice Anggur + Roti dua potong + Satu potong keju. -
Snack siang : Yogurt -
Makan Siang : Dada Ayam 4 irisan + Salad + 2 buah Plum + Teh Herbal -
Snack Sore : Cheesecake + Teh Herbal -
Makan Malam : Omelet + Salad Buah + Kopi
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