"Benefits of Milk Etawa" (Asthma Causes)

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Treatment with Goat Milk


Asthma disease often found with the characteristics of breathlessness. Asthma divided into two, namely, asthma and bronchial asthma kardial. Bronchial asthma is asthma caused by unusual circumstances in the bronchus, which is a specific disease. Symptoms such as breathlessness-contagious strain transmissible due to muscle bronchus so narrow hole bronchus (stenosis).
Kardial asthma or asthma is the heart of breathlessness caused by heart disease. Usually the heart of the causes of the left. Usually the attacks occur at night.

a. Asthma Causes

In general, asthma can attack people in various age and is usually marked by symptoms of breathlessness, the increase in intensity in the night.
Some things that can cause asthma as follows;

1. Allergic to certain substances-substances, such as fur, substances derived from plants, and dust.
2. Congenital or physical factors.
3. The pressure on the vagus nerve, especially if the disease of tuberculosis was found in the lungs.
4. The thymus gland does not wane as usual.
5. Contract bronchial asthma that occurs at the time of menstruation, pregnancy period, menopause or klimakterum, humid weather and climate change that changed

b. Medical treatment is

The medical treatment is usually intended to eliminate the effect of a stenosis bronchus give bronchodilator drugs, either in the form of pills, liquids, injections, and inhaler. In addition, given antibiotics if the infection occurred or secondary infection of the spark of this asthma. Giving oxygen to the acute asthma attack is necessary because the patient experienced a lack of oxygen usually occurs when the breathlessness that great. Giving pengencer mucus to help mitigate the attacks very crowded napasnya.
Preventive medicines asthma attacks usually anti-inflammation. Usually given to people with severe asthma and herediter. Namur, anti-inflammation drugs have side effects that are not pleasant people, such as the occurrence of moon face, namely, the face of such month due to the use of anti-inflammation drugs kortikosteroid, easily happen osteoporosis (bone management) and other damages.

c. Treatment with Goat Milk

Goat milk function in asthma treatment is to increase the body's resistance. This can occur because of a fluorin antiseptic antialergi once in a milk goat to activate the cells work ¬ cell immunity so that secondary infections occur, especially when the body's resistance to decrease, can be prevented.
People with asthma should regularly consume milk goat as 150 cc per day. Goat milk should be drunk on the night because the fission calories that of body heat can occur, so spasme bronchi due to air dinginnya night or early morning, can be avoided. Treatment with the goat milk in the evening today successfully prevent cough-cough that makes the emergence of asthma attacks. Milk goats also have thin mucus or phlegm so that it can prevent or reduce attacks.
In addition to milk goats at night, people can also consume or drink juice antialergi regularly in the morning. antialergi juice may be a combination of 150 grams or 100 grams of papaya pineapple celery stems with 3 or 3 peterselli (parsley)

d. Life pattern that must be done

The pattern of life that must be done in principle is the same, namely to adopt healthy lifestyles in the life of the natural day-to-day with the good.

Some additional things that should be part of the routine healthy lifestyles asthma sufferer as follows;

1. Consume green vegetables containing khlorofil (chlorophyll leaves) to improve the high resistance body and pressing the allergy.
2. Avoiding substances and allergens, substances activate the musculature everywhere with the sport, especially swimming, regularly. However, it must be careful of heavy sport that could be the trigger the onset asthma attack.
3. Learn and perform acrobatics asthma as a sate the natural pattern of healthy living.

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