"Benefits of Milk Etawa" (Treatment with Goat Milk)

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A. Tuberculosis

TUBERKULOSIS or TB is a lung disease caused by bacteria, TB (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). The characteristics of TB among people with other chronic cough-cough, sweat in the night, the body is weak and emaciated, coughing and bleeding in the cavity due to network the lungs that cause the pipe-bursting blood vessels in the lungs. In addition, the process of healing can occur network management lungs that can lead to diminishing lung function in the process everywhere. Symptoms of TB among other body emaciated and weak, cough-cough, cough fever, enlargement gland, lymph glands, breathlessness, symptoms of malnutrition (malnutrition) weight. If the disease is chronic or severe and chronic terobati not good, can cause death.

a. Treatment the Medical

The number of people with TB disease in Indonesia, the world now ranked third after China and India. TB disease attacks the most productive age group which is the human resources are crucial in the development of the nation. In the years 1940-1960 have been found anti-tuberculosis drugs (OAT), but TB is still a health problem, both in Indonesia and around the world. TB treatment requires quite a long time, ie, 6-8 months continuously with OAT and should be done to recover completely, so that can prevent transmission to others. TB eradication using OAT consists of the insurance package of anti ¬ tuberculosis drugs, namely, Isoniazid, Rifampisin, Pyrazinamide, Streptomycin, and Ethambutol.
In 1983 the world health organization (WHO) to promote Sbortcourse directly Observed Treatment (DOTS) strategy as the most effective treatment to control the TB epidemic. DOTS strategy is implemented successfully throughout the world and provide a high number healing. According to the World Bank, the DOTS strategy is the most effective health at this time. DOTS strategy to combat TB among political commitment of decision makers, discoveries people, with the DOTS treatment, OAT sustainable supply of quality, and reporting system to monitor progress in treatment standards.
OAT generally worsen heart and kidney. This condition is very burdensome TB sufferer, because the function and function detoksikasi toxic disposal to delay or obstacles, so that, working OAT to kill the TB bacteria hampered due to high patient conditions.

b. Treatment with Goat Milk

In addition to the medical treatment, people with TB can be cured with consume goat milk regularly, but still continue in medical treatment. Some of the cases handled by the author, a TB patient to undergo the treatment in a medical complemented with consume goat milk regularly, and after three months of inspections conducted, there is no longer the TB bacteria in the body.
Goat milk contains a high fluorin the rate of 10-100 times higher than that contained in milk cow. This element is a natural antiseptic that contains elements preventing the growth of bacteria in the body. Fluorin presence will increase the resistance of body and the growth of bacterial activity, so that the TB bacteria are no longer developing well.
Goat milk jugs contain Sodium high. In the case of TB disease, one of pemicunya is malnourished. With the provision of milk goats regularly every day, Sodium found in the malnutrition hinder the work. Allegedly stating that the TB bacteria can breed in goat milk is not correct. This is evidenced by Dr. Bernard Jensen, Ph.D., a nutritionis in the United States, which examined the benefits of goat milk that was one of the animals, cattle at the Ranch are being built in Escondido, New Mexico, the United States.
Because the content of nutrient value, goat milk can help improve the body's resistance TB sufferer. In addition, fluorinnya prevent the acceleration of the development of the TB bacteria as antiseptiknya work, to give protection network lung, and kidney and protect their hearts. In the fat content of milk goats functions as the body of oxygen so that the sufferer becomes hangar. Thus, goat milk has a double effect, for protection, prevention, healing well.
In 2000, the author started to use goat milk therapy program in patients with TB in Poh Health Association. Siliwangi Regional Milner III, West Java, with quite stunning results. Average after 1 month of OAT with the changes in eating patterns and the provision of goat milk as much as 150 cc per day, level of education, health care changes. This is indicated by the resolve of appetite, coughing and breathlessness reduced, and does not appear pale face again. Average after 5 months with iridologi and radiological examination, the network has the lungs and advancing the process has been chronic shift back toward healing. Iridologi appear in the picture healingprocess, namely, the process that occurs in all organs, not only the lungs, ¬-parunya. In addition, in laboratory tests showed liver and kidney functions are not damaged.

C. Prevention Efforts

TB disease spread and spread quickly due to the environment that are less healthy, solid, and slums. TB bacteria spread through the air everywhere (water born infection). Thus, the density of the population in a region very facilitate the spread of this disease. Poverty increase the severity of the condition of this disease, because poverty will easily lead to malnutrition (malnutrition conditions), which will weaken or lower the body's resistance. so, environmental factors, the condition of the body, and the occurrence of TB is a process that rotates like a vicious cycle.

So that can be spared from TB disease, the setup day we have to healthy lifestyles naturally well with the following ways;

1. Figured think that's positive from sires that can easily decrease the body's resistance.
2. Eat a good and correct. Food should be medicine for our body so that the likelihood of malnutrition can be avoided.
3. Sports routinely and regularly. This activity will accelerate the flow of blood in the body so that the entire network body get enough food. This jugs will make us healthy and be spared from malnutrition.
4. Get enough sunlight and fresh air. Please note, people with TB need oxygen due to damaged lungs network.
5. Maintaining the smoothness function of organs disposal, namely, large intestine, kidney, lungs, skin and lymph channels, so that the toxic disposal process smoothly and perfect. In addition, we must keep that heart function detoksikasi well, eating the right foods, namely, the food that does not poison the cell ¬ liver cells, and do not drink alcohol.

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