Top 12 Food Freshness ..............

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Even if you ask 5 people in the nutrition expert, you will get different answers about the list of most food meyehatkan. Why? Because each food containing vitamin different. Some foods rich in protein or fiber. While other types of foods contain minerals and vitamins, protein, but poor. So how to complete the nutritional needs of the body that will be important is to consume the food varies. The following 12 species of food that can meet your nutritional needs:

1. Avocado

It is true that this high-fat fruit, avocado, but contain no saturated fat group monounsaturated (single chain), which is good for reducing the risk of cancer, heart attack and diabetes. "Avocado meregenerasi needed to network and blood, stabilize blood sugar and good for heart disease aberration," said Ed Bauman, Ph.D., nutrition experts from Bauman College. According to him, avocado, is also a good source of fiber (11-17 grams per fruit) and as a source of lutein, a type of antioxidant needed for the skin and eyes healthy.

2. Apple

"An apple a day will keep you from the doctor," said Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., book author of "The 150 Healthiest Food on Earth." Apple is rich in antioxidants quercetin and Catechin, which will protect body cells from damage, which means that will reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, especially if eaten apple with the skin. Research also indicates apples contain 5 times more polyphenol compared with the meat. Content of the fibers found on the skin of apples and also two times more than other fruits, such as grapes, citrus fruit or peach.

3. Bluberi

Fruit is a coming anti-aging skin. Bluberi rich antioxidants, especially anthocyanins, which have been proven to improve vision and brain function. Research also shows eating bluberi damage can hamper the process of coordination and memories along with the aging process. Not only that, blackish purple fruit can also reduce the inflammation caused by chronic diseases such as Parkinson and Alzheimer's Disease to diabetes and heart disease. The study also shows bluberi as an effective anti-cancer.

4. Cabbage or cabbage

In the world of vegetables, Brassica family (broccoli, cabbage, playpen CHOY, etc.) including the most desirable. These vegetables contain substances called indoles, according to research that is able to reduce the risk of cancer is incredible. "Eat cabbage more than one portion each week can reduce the risk of occurrence of colon cancer in men up to 66%," Bauman said. In addition, the cabbage also improve the immune system, kill bacteria and viruses.

5. Fish and fish oil

Diligent consume fish will help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's Disease, stroke, diabetes and rheumatism. In addition, variations of fat found in fish can also ease the symptoms of depression. American Heart Association recommend that adults consume the fish in the 2 week, especially fish from the sea, such as salmon or sardin rich Omega-3.

6. Garlic

In addition to lowering the rate of cholesterol, according to Bauman, garlic also hamper the occurrence of stoppage arteries. "Two or three cloves of garlic per day can reduce heart attack patients in half from heart disease," he said. Garlic as an effective anti-bacteria and germs, also increase the resilience of the body against infection and stress.

7. Mold

Mold has been used since there retroactive treatment in the world of the east, mainly because of food to improve the immune system, especially the type of maitake mushrooms, shiitake and burakcirav. Even mushrooms are also widely used in traditional Asian treatment for cancer therapy because the fungus is able to prevent toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Studies conducted by Japanese scientists showed eat shiitake mushrooms regularly will reduce cholesterol in the blood up to 45%.

8. Peanut butter almond

Almond contain fiber and monounsaturated fat is not saturated, both proven to lower cholesterol rate. According to the FDA, consuming 1.5 oz nuts, including almond, can reduce the risk of heart disease. Although peanut almond relatively high fat and calories, the study showed eating peanut butter almond can reduce body weight. Kandunga, protein, fiber and no saturated fat will rise to the feeling of satiety.

9. Eggs

Egg is probably the best source of protein in the earth. He was overcome milk, meat or soy protein in the womb. Most people fear eating eggs, especially yellow because of worry kolesterolnya rate rise. The yellow eggs contain choline, which will protect the heart and brain function. Moreover, eating eggs one-two eggs per day has not been proven to increase the rate of cholesterol.

10. Pomegranate

During this not many people know that pomegranate is the best source of antioxidants, even better than red wine and green tea. Regularly consume pomegranate juice proven to reduce plaque that can clog the blood flow that often causes heart disease and stroke. In the long term, consumption of pomegranate juice will hamper the process of aging and protect the body from cancer occurrence.

11. Red wine

A slight amount of alcohol each day will keep heart health by increasing the rate of good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce the risk of blood clotting. Red wine also contains antioxidants reservatrol and saponin, which is useful for the heart. But not excessive, because drinking alcohol more than once per day will make blood pressure rise.

12. Brown

When talking about chocolate, the more bitter, more healthy. The benefits derived from flavonol cocoa and antioxidants (also found in strawberry, red grapes and apples). In fact, the only native cocoa contains flavonols. So choose the chocolate contains more cocoa (more than 60%). Dark chocolate cake is a type that has fewer calories than others. If eaten in adequate amount, you will benefit form the decreasing bad cholesterol.

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