Fish, Food Your Brain

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Fish can help slow the decline in mental retardation associated with aging. Research proves that eating fish at least a portion of the week can slow the decline in mental 10-13% annually until the parents.

"The decrease in the glass when viewed from the eyes of age, together with 3-4 years younger" said Martha Clare Morris, SCD, which is conducting the research. In fact, fish such as tuna, for example, is very rich fatty acid Omega-3 is very important in brain development and brain function to normal.

To get the results of the research, the 4 thousand people aged at least 65 years collected, interviewed and monitored its development, every 3 years, with a menu of fish as their main diet. After 6 years passed, they get clear evidence that the more merekamengkonsumsi fish, the more slowly senile attack them. 1 call for a portion of fish per week, the pelambatan decrease occurred in their mental as much as 10%. If disantap as much as 2 1 week, the percentage reached 13%.

The researchers also stated that after the diet combined with fish consumption of fruits and vegetables, function well and still not diminish a bit.

In other words, consume fish can reduce the risk of disease senile (Alzheimer's Disease). In a simple, fish, which can help them forgetful, forget either names or forget to remember the words. This means, for those aged under 65 tahunpun, fish is also very important.

Therefore, word began to eat fish now, especially that contain Omega-3 levels (tuna, salmon, Herring, mackerel and anchovies, which are presented in the form of regular sardine). In addition, choose fish that burned, not fried. The problem with the way burned, will be more Feed fatty acid Omega-3 is good for blood vessels, blood pressure and reduce inflammation. Conversely, fried fish, which will make the fatty acid Omega-3 is reduced.

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