Diseases of Women

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There are three diseases that women tend not tertangani with both women become so severe, that is, keputihan (fluoride albus), overactive bladder (OAB) or waste water is often small, and breast cancer.

Most women in Indonesia with a third less teredukasi this disease. As a result, some of them do not prevent. If you have severe terlanjur, they so often do not know what the appropriate action to be done.

In fact this is actually the third disease can be prevented with a healthy life pattern. But when the terlanjur, then it is urgent to avoid the worse.

According to Dr dr Dwiana Ocviyanti, SpOG (K), medical specialist womb and gynecology FKUI / RSCM, many women feel embarrassed describe it. Some even thought keputihan health problem that is reasonable and does not need treated.

They do not know that keputihan can be a sign of the beginning of other diseases such as cancer neck of the womb is shut off. "Not only in women who are married, they are still girls who are also potential," said Dwiana.

While OAB, according to Dr Siti Setiati, SpPD, K-Ger, medical specialist in the disease and geriatrics consultation FKUI / RSCM, often not be considered frivolous or penderitanya. Up to this disease with the day-to-day activities and cause them physical and psychological effects.

"Quality of life is declining," Dr Siti respond to suggest that holding malatih small waste water for 30 minutes and Kegel exercises to tighten musculature around the vagina.

When keputihan and OAB often not considered dangerous and death, breast cancer is well known as the number two killer of women after cancer serviks. The risk of suffering from this disease is increasing along with increasing age and in women who start menstruasi less than 12 years at the age of menopause or over 55 years.

"They have been declared cured, does not mean free of cancer cells forever," Dr dr Noorwati Sutandyo, SpPD, KHOM, specialist hematologi and Oncology's Cancer Hospital Dhar

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