"Benefits of Milk Etawa" (Anemia)

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Treatment with Goat Milk


is a disease aberration caused by the body merendahnya rate of hemoglobin (Hb) to below the limits nor ¬ mal. Usually the amount of blood eritrosit/mm3 and low value hematokrit participate. This is the amount of hemoglobin in the blood is reduced, so that the physiological processes that survive will interfere with hemoglobin. Anemia also can be caused by blood loss in the amount of many accidents, because of the inability of the body produce red blood cells are enough, or because of congenital or genetic aberration (descendants).
The characteristics of people affected by anemia is invisible pale, feel weak, tired quickly, and dizziness, headache. The normal rate of people hemoglobinnya not change much because of the balance between production and destruksi eritrosit ongoing equally. Meanwhile, the people affected by the disease anemia shows the balance disrupted by a reason.
Kinds of anemia, which is divided based on the difference patofisiologis and size of blood cells as follows.

a. Based on Patofisiologis
1. Reduction in Production
- Hemoglobin synthesis, namely iron Deficiency or lack of iron, thalasemia, and anemia due to chronic diseases.
- DNA synthesis, namely, megaloblastic anemia.
- Stem cell, namely, aplastic anemia and myeloproliferative leukemia.
- Bone marrow infiltration, some violence, such as carnicoma and lym ¬ phoma apkz4a the pure blood cells.

2. Destroying the increase
Blood-loss or acute blood loss, such as accidents and cross ¬ and heavy bleeding in obstetric cases.
Hemolysis-KPMG, membrane (hereditary ipberogoosis and ptogtosis & E), he ¬ moglobin (sickle cell anemia and unstable hemoglobin), glycoylsis (pyruvate ¬ ki nase), and oxidation (GOD defideng).
Hemolysis-extrinsic, Immune (antibody warm and cold antibody), microangiopbatic (thrombotic effects tbrombogtopenic purpura and hemolytic uremic syndrome), glycolysis (pyruvate kinase), and infections (clostridial) and bypersplenism Tebal

b. Based on the size Tuesday
1. Microcytic, namely iron defiency, thalasemia, and anemia due to chronic disease.
2. Macrocytic, such as megaloblastic anemia due to lack of vitamin B12 deficiency and folat; non-megaloblastic anemia due myelodyplasma, ¬ che motherapy, liver disease, increased reficulocytosis, and myxedema; and nor ¬ mocytic.
Causes anemia is the most iron from the group Deficiency anemia, caused the following.

1. Deficient diet, namely, the diet with malnutrition and not adekuat.
2. Absorption excessive.
3. The increased needs, such as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
4. Acute blood loss, such as intestinal bleeding, cramps aberration, and that repeated blood donors.
5. Haemoglobinuria.

6. Iron sequestration, namely, pulmonary haemosiderosis.

During this sixth among the causes of these, the most potential is lost in the blood. Among them because of accidents that cause bleeding organs in the stomach and intestine, bleeding in the reproductive organs due to labor with the aberration, deviation cramps, and blood donors are repeated.
Only the symptoms of anemia a marked decrease in the rate of hemoglobin (Hb) in the blood that cause various kinds ¬. Thus, the treatment must be done to patients with anemia should be adjusted to the cause. Transfusion will only help improve the rate of hemoglobin, especially in circumstances of acute that people have not experienced any shortage of oxygen (Hipoksia), which is required by the network of the body, especially the brain network.

Furthermore, the provision of iron and acid folat require a thorough examination that does not occur until the error therapy that can mengngakibatkan hemosiderosis (iron overload), which could endanger patients. Iron and acid folat far better that comes from food compared with that made by synthetic or artificial.
Function of goat milk in the treatment of anemia with the same function in the treatment thalasemia.

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